Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Define 'snow'

Don't get overexcited about snow on Mars. I'm pretty sure what was falling out of the atmosphere at that time was in the same place where, just a little earlier, we purged out tanks. Could be yellow snow.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

We're trying

We realized a few weeks ago, as you probably read here, that we accidentally set the probe that's up John McCain's ass to "random." It wasn't a huge concern since our deadline is Oct. 26, but it's becoming a bit of a panic-inducer. We'd rather not have the sideshow in the waning weeks. Of course, it's harder than ever to get to him now. Many, many bodyguards and hangers-on. He's liable to say anything at any time. The other day his campaign unleashed a TV ad in which the words "greedy CEOs" appeared on the screen at the same time as the image of a black man. It's crazy, Jesse Helms stuff, potentially very explosive. We assume it's the probe scrambling his thoughts. If we can't get to him soon, we'll have to give up. Too much to do, especially the last two weeks. So, if he keeps acting wacky: Sorry.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What's REALLY going on

My boss didn't want to let me come out for this -- you can tell my posting has dropped -- but way up the food chain they recognize you are getting distracted, at least those who are paying attention to the U.S. and the U.S. presidential race. Let's be clear: The financial collapse is due to a small handful of people who are, in essence, short-selling us -- They don't believe we can pull of this takeover, but they think we will bring about an economic recalibration -- and to the cynicism of Bush and McCain. On similar grounds. They also don't believe we will be able to take over. I know. I've had probes so far up their asses I could look out their eyes. They are no better than Putin. We are considering a new job category for the post-takeover period. We may find the nastiest, most oral-sex-hungry people, and require them to be serviced by McCain, Bush and their senior advisors.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Who is this, and what has he done with David?

Now we have to go find David Brooks for probing. If he really made a solid argument that Sarah Palin is unqualified it means either that he is now a meth head or that there is an unregistered alien who has taken on his identity. The argument is completely correct, but it is unlike him to completely take on his party so boldly and thoroughly. My money is on the meth.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Liar liar, pants on fire

The reason Sarah Palin continues to repeat the "Bridge to Nowhere" lie that she always opposed it is simple: I'm using the implant to make her keep saying it. I'll let her go a couple hours before she is set to talk to Charlie Gibson. That should make it fun.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Sometimes the implants are a mixed blessing

Sarah Palin's speech the other night? All me. Wrote it, dictated it, pushed it out. The implants make it possible. On the other hand, I also heard/saw the celebration sex that night. Ew.