Saturday, October 25, 2008

Get out of jail free

Maybe we are the Soviet Union. The Oct. 26 takeover is now off. We tried flipping the first switches today, and a bunch of them didn't switch. Frankly, we don't really NEED all of these systems to sync with us, but it's a hell of a pain in the ass if your life seems totally the same while we're marching down the streets. Unlike the movie "Independence Day," we don't have dozens of ships to send to hover all over the world to create a sense that the order has changed. So, new takeover date to be set later. You in the U.S.: Enjoy your election! Don't fuck it up. This is history, in both the best and worst sense. I, of course, will be going to Ohio and voting Obama. We can do that. All of us will be voting Obama, here and there. John McCain is just creepy, and besides, our probe says he won't live six more months.

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